Socio Economic Rehabilitation - S.E.R

This is the most neglected area in the health sector. Keeping this in view,GRETNALTES took a practical approach in Rehabilitation activities. It has trained the Persons Affected with Leprosy, in various fields viz. Letter Printing Press, Screen printing, M.C.R – Micro Cellular Rubber foot wear making, tailoring, manufacturing of fragnance sticks etc. It rehabilitated the Persons Affected with Leprosy by providing subsidy and interest free loans for small businesses, professional work etc.



  • To help the PALs inorder to have better Livelihood
  • To ensure Integity Dignity and Economical Advancement for PALs
  • To create educational opportunities to the children of PALs and the children who are affected with Leprsoy
  • To empower them inorder to fight for their rights
  • To make efforts inorder to reduce the social stigma
  • To support them morally inorder to have better access to the General Helath structure